Does A Pap Smear Detect Stds What Are STD's That Can Impact Fertility?

What are STD's that can impact fertility? - does a pap smear detect stds

I was sexually abused me concerns that sexually transmitted diseases can be intercepted. I know that I have HPV, because I have genital warts.

I called Planned Parenthood get tested for sexually transmitted diseases, but they told me I was to them on the Ministry of Health. I can not go to the health department of the BC did not have my license and I do not want to see my mother if I was sexually abused.

OK, so that the effects of fertility, other sexually transmitted diseases? I had a Pap test, which detects sexually transmitted diseases? Please enter all those that affect fertility.

Please help!


Mary Boo said...

If so, a Pap test is not for you.

Mrs. Fig said...

First, I'm sorry that this happened to you. I really think it would be better if you talk to someone you trust. It can help even if not now, when you are ready later. Secondly, I am sure that all sexually transmitted diseases which affect fertility and should have taken a long time. I know that chlamydia is one of them, but even here it would have taken over a long period of time. You know that you take, or warts? Make sure you are thorough check by your doctor because they have a lot of things there was, and when we begin our analysis, we can start with things are something that are not. HPV, if it is detected early usually disappears by itself, and if not to help the doctors have the resources to your body, get rid of him. The type of HPV, warts, there is not the kind that affects the cervix and can lead to cervical cancer, if this is not the case, and HPV to cervical cancer, the uterus (which in his case) that the could affect fertility. ..... If not, I can not think of STD that would result in what oneKing ..... Good luck and go to the clinic for you!

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